
Important Relevant Dates For Renounceable Rights

Title/Description Renounceable rights issue of up to 31,908,101 new ordinary shares in HSS Engineers Berhad ("HEB") ("Rights Shares") on the basis of one (1) Rights Share for every ten (10) existing ordinary shares in HEB ("HEB Shares") held as at 5.00 p.m. on 21 February 2018 at an issue price of RM1.30 per Rights Share, together with a bonus issue of up to 15,954,050 new HEB Shares ("Bonus Shares") on the basis of one (1) Bonus Share for every two (2) Rights Shares subscribed and up to 47,862,151 free detachable warrants (Warrants) on the basis of three (3) Warrants for every two (2) Rights Shares subscribed
Despatch date 23 Feb 2018
Date for commencement of trading of rights 22 Feb 2018
Date for cessation of trading of rights 01 Mar 2018
Date for announcement of final subscription result and basis of allotment of excess Rights Securities 14 Mar 2018
Listing Date of the Rights Securities 21 Mar 2018


Last date and time for Date Time
Sale of provisional allotment of rights 28 Feb 2018
05:00:00 PM
Transfer of provisional allotment of rights 05 Mar 2018
04:00:00 AM
Acceptance and payment 08 Mar 2018
05:00:00 PM
Excess share application and payment 08 Mar 2018
05:00:00 AM


Rights Securities will be listed and quoted as the existing securities of the same class Yes
Other important dates as the listed issuer may deem appropriate


Remarks :


The abridged prospectus together with the notice of provisional allotment and the rights subscription form for the Rights with Bonus Issue and Warrants (collectively, the "Documents") will only be despatched to the shareholders of HEB who have a registered address in Malaysia and whose names appear in the Records of Depositors at 5.00 p.m. on 21 February 2018 ("Entitled Shareholders"). Entitled Shareholders who do not have a registered address in Malaysia and wish to provide their Malaysian address, should inform their respective stockbrokers or Tricor Investor & Issuing House Services Sdn Bhd, being the Registrar for the Rights Issue of Shares, to effect the change of address by 21 February 2018.

The Documents are not intended to be (and will not be) issued, circulated or distributed in any country or jurisdiction other than Malaysia and no action has been or will be taken to ensure that either the Rights Issue of Shares or the Documents comply with the laws related to public offerings of any country or jurisdiction where action for such purpose is required, other than the laws of Malaysia.

This announcement is dated 5 February 2018.


Announcement Info

Stock Name HSSEB
Date Announced 05 Feb 2018
Category Important Relevant Dates for Renounceable Rights
Reference Number TOR-05022018-00001
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